Bucks County Business Association
980 Wheeler Way #302
Langhorne, PA 19047
ph: 215-733-9696
Alternatives to Cold Calling
Cold calling - ugh!
Few people enjoy cold calling, but for many businesses it is a necessary evil. Or is it?
The purpose of cold calling is to create a first, initial contact between a business and its potential clients. However, traditional cold calling is not the only way to accomplish this goal. There are many ways to make first contact that are just as effective and much less uncomfortable than cold calling can be.
Attend this seminar and find out.
Open to all - members and non-members, businesses and individuals, and those both inside and outside of Bucks County.
Thurs, April 2, 2020
Online Class - no complicated app or software download is necessary
(Special Discount)
$40 (Regular Price)
You can pay online by credit card or at the door by cash or check.
Copyright 2009-2020 Bucks County Business Association. All rights reserved.
Bucks County Business Association
980 Wheeler Way #302
Langhorne, PA 19047
ph: 215-733-9696